Anda Radu

Anda Radu

Head of Strategic Projects

Anda is a former startup co-founder and strategy consultant. Being passionate about startups in general and femtech in particular, Anda worked on developing a fertility monitoring system for couples who want to conceive (currently owned by Beurer Medical). 

She has also worked with multiple Fortune 500 companies on innovation projects and their corporate programs for startups and entrepreneurs. Prior to that, she worked as a consultant for the Boston Consulting Group.

At SpeedInvest, Anda leads company-wide strategic initiatives and internal projects as Head of Strategic Projects.

In her free time Anda practices and teaches yoga and mindfulness, gets competitive while skiing, dances the night away or reads anything on behavioral psychology and neuroscience.

My mission is to empower people and organizations to reach their full potential.

Anda Radu

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Anda Radu

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